Easy Dance Quiz 1

Posted in art and literature quizzes

1. What nationality was ballet star Rudolf Nureyev?

2. Who was Ginger Roger's most famous dancing partner?

3. Which dancer 'sang in the rain'?

4. How many dancers feature in a pas de deux?

5. What kind of dances are Hamilton House and Petronella?

6. What ballet company is resident at London's Royal opera House?

7. What colour of ballet shoes did Hans Christian Anderson write about?

8. What was Margot Fonteyn?s real name?

9. Who wrote the music for The Nutcracker?

10. Of which ballet is Prince Siegfried the hero?  


1. Russian

2. Fred Astaire

3. Gene Kelly

4. Two

5. Scottish country dances

6. The Royal Ballet

7. Red (as in The Red Shoes)

8. Margaret Hookham

9. Tchaikovsky

10. Swan lake


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