Pauls Telephone Songs Quiz 2

Posted in music quizzes

The following words are from which songs? 

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Music Quiz Questions1. 867-5309

2. From a phone booth in Vegas

3. Operator give me trans Atlantic, I sit alone as the night goes by

4. Who ya gonna call

5. I tried to telephone, they said that you were not home, that's a lie

6. Oh operator information please connect me with the man

7. Hello it's me, I've thought about us for a long long time

8. First time I picked up the telephone I fell in love with your ringing tone

9. I deal in dreamers and telephone screamers

10. And just because I call you up, don't get me wrong don't think you got it made


1. Jenny  (Tommy Tutone)

2. Jessie  (Joshua Kadison)

3. Telephone Long Distance Love Affair  (Sheena Easton)

4. Ghost Busters  (Ray Parker Jr.)

5. No Reply (Beatles)

6. Operator  (Manhattan Transfer)

7. Hello it's me  (Todd Rundgren)

8. Switchboard Susan  (Nick Lowe)

9. Free man in Paris  (Joni Mitchell) 

10. I'm not in love  (10cc)


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