True or False Quiz 3

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. An emu cannot fly?

2. A Dowager is the widow of a peer or a baronet?

3. Julie Andrews was the original Eliza Doolittle in My Fair lady?

4. Fleas are bloodsuckers?

5. Wyoming is on the Canadian border of the USA?

6. Two is a Prime number?

7. Quaker is another name for a Mormon?

8. Top Eastenders totty Wendy Richard is the cousin of top religious singing superstar Cliff Richard?

9. Silly mid on is a fielding position in cricket?

10. Spartacus was a great Roman general?

11. Edinburgh is further East than Carlisle?

12. Kangaroos are only an inch long at birth?

13. Warner Brothers originally wanted Ronald Reagan to play the part of Rick Blaine in Casablanca?

14. The most northerly point on the British mainland is actually named after a Dutchman?

15. Cary Grant and Noel Coward were both offered the part of James Bond in Dr. No?

16. George Washington's body was preserved in a barrel of Whiskey for 32 years?

17. Born in Crew in 1837, George Gascoigne was the great-grandfather of Bamber Gascoigne and the great-great-grandfather of Paul Gascoigne?

18. The Lascar Parrot of Borneo has a venemous spit that can paralyse small rodents within seconds?

19. The can-opener was not invented until 45 years after the tin can?

20. President Theodore Roosevelt's son was called Kermit?


1. True

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False

6. True

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

11. False

12. True

13. True

14. False

15. True

16. False

17. False

18. False

19. True

20. True


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