Trains and Railways Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. In which city was a brick sculpture called train unveiled in June 1997?

2. About which train did the Reverand W Awdry write?

3. In which classic of 19th century literature is the heroine killed by a train?

4. With which train is Oliver Postgate associated?

5. At which London station did Sir Gilbert Scott build his Grand Midland Hotel?

6. In which 1945 film does Celia Johnson meet Trevor Howard?

7. ?Sitting in a railway station with a ticket for my destination? is a line from which Simon and Garfunkel song?

8. At which London station do trains from Reading terminate?

9. In which European Capital is Tara Street station?

10. Which famous (Russian) writer died at a railway station in 1910?  

11. In which European City is the Gard du Nord railway station?

12. If you got the Bullet train in which country would you be taking your holiday?


1. Darlington

2. Thomas the Tank Engine

3. Anna Karenina

4. Ivor the Engine

5. St Pancras

6. Brief Encounter

7. Homeward Bound

8. Paddington (Although a few terminate at Waterloo) - thanks to Paul for clearing that one up

9. Dublin

10. Leo Tolstoy

11. Paris

12. Japan


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