Creature Collectives Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

What sort of animal has the following varieties?

1. Humpbacked, killer and sperm

2. Leghorn, Buff Orpington and Plymouth Rocks

3. Khaki Campbell, Mallard and Muscovy

4. Pipistrelle, Vampire and long-eared

5. Tamworth, Saddleback and Large White

6. Copperhead, Mamba and Boomslang

7. Weddell, elephant and Ross

8. Raft, house and trapdoor

9. Colorado, death watch and Goliath

10. Burchell?s, mountain and Grevy?s  


1. Whale

2. Chicken

3. Duck

4. Bat

5. Pig

6. Snake

7. Seal

8. Spider

9. Beetle

10. Zebra


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