Pauls Numbers Quiz 4

Posted in pauls themed quiz rounds

1. According to Merrian Websters Encyclopedic Dictionary, the longest word in the English language has how many letters? 
    a. 25
    b. 45
    c. 85
    d. 125

2. How many people has John Rambo liquidated on screen in all 5 Rambo films? Plus or minus 50

3. How many passengers were on board the Hindenburg on her last voyage? Plus or minus 20

4. How many kilometres long is the Antarctic's coastline?  
    a. 2,968
    b. 7,968
    c. 17,968
    d. 37,968

5  How many teeth does a wolf have? Plus or minus 2   

6. According to the Bible, how old was Methuselah?

7. How many lakes are there in Finland?  
    a. 8,880
    b. 87,880
    c. 187,880
    d. 887,880

8. How many self portraits did Rembrandt paint?  
    a. 9
    b. 30
    c. 90
    d. 390

9. How many square metres was ENIAC, the worlds first electronic computer? Plus or minus 30

10. How many weeks in a row was the album Dark Side Of The Moon in the US hitparade? Plus or minus 100


1. b. 45 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

2. 263

3. 97

4. c. 17,968 km

5. 42

6. 969 years old

7. c. 187,880

8. c. 90

9. 170 square metres

10. 741 weeks


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