Political Leaders Quiz 1

Posted in people quizzes

Name the famous political leader who preceded the following people

1. Israel?s head of Government Benyamin Netanyahu

2. Irelands Head of Government John Bruton

3. Australia?s Head of Government John Howard

4. Austria?s Federal President Thomas Klestil

5. Egypts Head of State Mohammed Mubarak

6. Germany?s Roman Hertzog

7. South Africa?s Head of State and Government Nelson Mandela

8. Cuba?s Fidel Castro

9. Philippines head of Government and State Fidel Ramos

10. Frances Head of Government Alain Juppe  


1. Shimon Peres

2. Albert Reynolds

3. Paul Keating

4. Kurt Waldheim  

5. Anwar Sadat

6. Richard von Weizs?cker

7. Frederick De Klerk

8. Fulgencio Batista

9. Corazon Aquino

10. Edouard Balladur  


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