Put Them In Order Quiz 2

Posted in word play quizzes

1. Anniversaries - put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Crystal - Pearl - China

2. Writers; put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Charles Dickens - Mary Shelley - Johnathan Swift

3. Poets: put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Ted Hughes - TS Elliott - William Wordsworth

4. Actors : put these in date order of oldest first. 
    Tom Hanks - Al Pacino - Gene Hackman

5. Actresses: put these in date order of oldest first . 
    Glenda Jackson - Liza Minnelli - Michelle Pfeiffer

6. Religions: put these in date order of oldest first. 
    Islam - Buddhism - Hinduism

7. Prime Ministers UK put these in date order of office earliest first 
    Neville Chamberlain - Stanley Baldwin - David Lloyd-George

8. USA Presidents - put these in date order of office earliest first 
    Harry S Truman - Theodore Roosevelt - Woodrow Wilson

9. Russian Rulers - in date order earliest first. 
    Peter I the Great - Catherine II the Great - Nicholas II

10. Distance from London closest first. 
    Cardiff - Manchester - Plymouth


1. Crystal (15) China (20) Pearl (30)

2. Johnathan Swift (b 1667) Mary Shelley (b 1797) Charles Dickens (b 1812)

3. William Wordsworth (b 1770) TS Elliott (b 1888) Ted Hughes (b 1930)

4. Gene Hackman (b1931) Al Pacino (b 1940) Tom Hanks (1957)

5. Glenda Jackson (b1936) Liza Minnelli (1946) Michelle Pfeiffer (1957)

6. Hinduism (1500 BC) Buddhism (500 BC) Islam (7th Century AD)

7. Lloyd-George (1916) Stanley Baldwin (1923) Neville Chamberlain (1937)

8. Theodore Roosevelt (1901) Woodrow Wilson (1913) Harry Truman (1945)

9. Peter the Great (1682 - 1725) Catherine the Great (1762 - 1796) Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)

10. Cardiff (155 miles) Manchester (199 miles) Plymouth (215 miles)


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