1990s Quiz 1

Posted in history quizzes

1. Which English fast bowler took the first wicket in the 1997 Ashes?

2. Jonathan Aitkin withdrew from his court case against which paper?

3. Which financial advisor used toes for more than counting on?

4. In the 90s, who was Education Secretary, Home Secretary and Chancellor?

5. Which city hosted the 1992 Olympic games?

6. Who succeeded Robert Runcie as Archbishop of Canterbury?

7. Andy Thompson became world indoor champion at what?

8. Which Journalist helped to write Diana, her true story?

9. Who do you associate with Lady Ghislaine?

10. Who was the first man to win 2 Best Actor Oscars in the 90s

11. What was the name of the British Army private controversially jailed for the murder of a Belfast Joyrider?

12. Which fashion designer designed Pop star Madonna?s provocative corsetry?

13. Who headed the 1995 inquiry into standards into Public life?

14. Which radio station took over Radio 1?s old medium wave frequencies when it started broadcasting in Feb 1995?

15. What year did Britain leave the Exchange Rate Mechanism? (to within a year)

16. Who became president of Georgia in 1992?

17. Convicted in 1993 of the murder of 4 children, which nurse allegedly suffered from a medical condition known as ?Munchausen?s syndrome by proxy??

18. Which trade union was formed in 1993 by the merger of NALGO, NUPE and COHSE?

19. Who did John Bruton succeed as Irish Prime Minister?


1. Darren Gough

2. The Guardian

3. John Bryan

4. Kenneth Clarke

5. Barcelona

6. George Carey

7. Bowls

8. Andrew Morton

9. Robert Maxwell

10. Tom Hanks

11. Private Lee Clegg

12. Jean Paul Gaultier

13. Lord Nolan

14. Talk radio

15. 1992 ? 1

16. Eduard Shevardnadze

17. Beverley Allitt


19. Albert Reynolds