Dogs Quiz 1

Posted in science and nature quizzes

1. Which breed of dog was named after the monks of a Swiss hospice, who kept them for finding lost travellers in the Alps?

2. Apart from greyhounds, what other breed of dog occasionally race at racetracks?

3. What is the name of Dick Dastardley's canine sidekick?

4. Who was the creator of Droopy the dog, Bugs Bunny and many others?

5. By what name is the German shepherd dog commonly known?

6. In Greek mythology, what is the distinguishing factor on the guard dog Cerberus?

7. What sort of dog is a joke?

8. Which BBC television program shows sheepdog trials?

9. What is a mud puppy?

10. What name is given to a breed or variety of dog (e.g. poodle) that is very much smaller than the standard?


1. St. Bernard

2. Afghan Hound

3. Muttley

4. Tex Avery

5. Alsatian

6. He had three heads

7. Shaggy dog

8. One man and his dog

9. A fish (North American salamander)

10. Toy dog