Put Them In Order Quiz 1

Posted in word play quizzes

Put each of the following in the right order

1. Continents: put these in order of size, largest to smallest. 
    Europe - Africa - Asia

2. Oceans: put these in order of size, largest to smallest. 
    Pacific - Atlantic - Indian

3. Islands: put these in order of size, largest to smallest. 
    Great Britain - Greenland - Cuba

4. Desserts: put these in order of size, largest to smallest. 
    Arabian - Gobi - Sahara

5. Rivers put these in order of size, longest first. 
    Yangtze (Chang Jiang) - Amazon - Mississippi (Missouri ? Jefferson)

6. Planets: put these in order of size, largest to smallest. 
    Mercury - Neptune - Jupiter

7. Towers: put these in order of height, tallest first. 
    Bank of China - The former World Trade Centre ? Empire State Building

8. Kings of England: put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Charles I - Henry I - George I

9. Artists: put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Claude Monet - Leonardo Di Vinci - Rembrandt

10. Composers: put these in date order of earliest first. 
    Vivaldi - Strauss - Beethoven


1. Asia, Africa, Europe

2. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian

3. Greenland, GB, Cuba

4. Sahara, Arabian, Gobi

5. Amazon, Mississippi (Missouri Jefferson), Yangtze

6. Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury

7. The former World Trade Centre (417m) Empire State Building (381m) Bank of China (386m)

8. Henry I (1100 ? 35) Charles I (1625 ? 49) George I (1714 ? 27)

9. Leonardo DiVinci (b1452) Rembrandt (b 1606) Claude Monet (b 1840)

10. Vivaldi (b 1678) Beethoven (b 1770) Strauss (b 1864)