Numbers Quiz 2

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. What do the Roman numerals XL represent?

2. How many squares are there on a draughts (checkers) board?

3. How much does the Electric company cost in Monopoly?

4. How many dots are there on a standard set of dominoes?

5. To the nearest 20, how many calories in a pint of bitter?

6. In money terms, what is a 'monkey'?

7. When was the battle of Stamford Bridge fought?

8. In which year was the Great Fire of London?

9. When were the first Winter Olympics held?

10. When (within 10 years) did the first zebra crossing appear in the UK?  

11. A furlong is how many chains?

12. At what number Baker St. Did Sherlock Holmes live?

13. In tennis, how high is the net?

14. Remember vinyl records? How many grooves are there on one side of a 33 1/3 rpm album?

15. To within 2 either way ? how many Popes have been murdered?

16. How many acres to the square mile?

17. How many black squares on a chess-board?

18. How many children did Queen Victoria have?

19. How many days do you have to claim a National Lottery prize?

20. How many items are sent by "My true love" during "The twelve days of Christmas"? (Each item to be counted only once)?


1. 40

2. 64

3. ?150

4. 168

5. 180

6. ?500

7. 1066

8. 1666

9. 1924

10. 1950

11. 220

12. 221B

13. 3ft

14. One

15. 26

16. 640

17. 32

18. 9

19. 180

20. 78