Word Origins Quiz 1

Posted in word play quizzes

From what, where or from whom do these things get there name.

1. The sandwich

2. The balaclava helmet

3. Chicken Marengo

4. Peach Melba

5. Vermicelli

6. The Saxophone

7. The Derrick

8. Shrapnel

9. The Guillotine

10. The Raglan Sleeve  


1. The Earl of Sandwich.

2. The Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War.

3. Concocted by Napoleon's chef before another battle.

4. Nellie Melba, opera singer, for whom it was made.

5. From the Italian for "little worms".

6. Adolph Sax, the inventor.

7. Goodman Derrick, a 17th century hangman.

8. Henry Shrapnel, British Army officer at the time of Napoleon.

9. M. Jaques Guillotine, a French doctor who devised this as a "better" way to execute.

10. 1st Baron (Lord) Raglan, British commander in the Crimea.