Law and Order Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. Which country had the private security force The Tontons Macoutes?

2. What was the nickname of mass murderer Gilles de Rais who killed 6 of his 7 wives?

3. In which century was the last execution at the Tower of London?

4. Who was hanged in 1955 for murdering David Blakely?

5. Who murdered the Little Princes in the Tower?

6. What was the name of the London headteacher murdered outside his school in the 1990s?

7. Which Act bans the disclosure of confidential items from government sources by its employees?

8. Robben island was a prison near which city?

9. On which day were 7 members of Bugs Moran?s gang murdered by a gang disguised as policemen?

10. Why was the death of Stephen Cameron in 1996 a tragic first? 

11. Near which airport did the Brink?s Mat robbery take place in 1983?

12. By what nickname was Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie better known?

13. Where did Nelson Mandela spend 27 years in captivity?

14. How many victims is Jack the Ripper thought to have claimed?

15. Robert Franklin Stroud was better known by what name?

16. Which notorious prison, a jail for the most hardened criminals, closed after 54 years service in 1963?

17. What was the name of the Bulgarian defector who was killed with a poisoned umbrella from am Umbrella?

18. What took place in a Chicago Garage on February 14th 1929?

19. Who was acquitted in 1893 of axe murdering her stepfather and mother?

20. Which killer tried to excape on board the SS Montrose?


1. Haiti

2. Bluebeard

3. 20th (1941)

4. Ruth Ellis

5. Richard III

6. Philip Lawrence

7. Official Secrets Act

8. Cape Town

9. 14th February / St Valentines Day

10. First Road Rage victim

11. Heathrow

12. Butcher of Lyon

13. Robben Island

14. 5

15. The Birdman of Alcatraz

16. Alcatraz

17. Gerogi Markov

18. St Valentines Day Massacre

19. Lizzie Borden

20. Dr Crippen