Random Trivia Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

The following quiz was submitted by Barb Fox Carosella from the USA. Thanks Barb, great job!

1. The American League 1901 Baltimore Orioles are now known by what name?

2. The Crayola crayon now called "mahogany" was so-named after dispensing with what politically incorrect previous name?

3. What is a monotreme?

4. What famous author coined the term "Toys R Us Kids" during his job as an advertising executive?

5. What is the proper term for residents of Togo?

6. Name the three US Presidents that published books of poetry.

7. The word game "Doublets" was invented by mathemetician Charles L. Dodgson, who wrote under what pseudonym for his childrens' books?

8. What does the "B" in the name Oral-B stand for?

9. What brainy item did Chris Haney and Scott Abbott come up with?

10. What song by Evanescence incorporates part of Mozart's Requiem throughout it?


1. NY Yankees

2. Indian Red

3. An egg-laying mammal

4. James Patterson

5. Togolese

6. Jimmy Carter, Abraham Lincoln, John Quincy Adams

7. Lewis Carroll

8. Brush

9. The board game "Trivial Pursuit"

10. Lacrymosa