Iron and Steel Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. Which element is it essential to add to iron to make any kind of steel?

2. With which Caribbean island are steel bands particularly associated?

3. Which role did Jeremy irons play in the 1980s TV series Brideshead revisited?

4. Iron has 2 valency numbers, what are they?

5. Whom did David Steel succeed as leader of the liberal party in 1976?

6. Which actor took the title role in the 1970s TV series Ironside?

7. What went with Steel in a TV series starring David mccallum?

8. By what more familiar name is Iron Pyrites known?

9. Which French thinker and writer wrote the novel Iron in the Soul?

10. Which periodical, still published today, was founded by Sir Richard Steele, together with Joseph Addison in 1711?  


1. Carbon

2. Trinidad

3. Charles Ryder

4. +2 And +3

5. Jeremy Thorpe

6. Raymond Burr

7. Sapphire

8. Fools Gold

9. Jean Paul Sartre

10. The Spectator