Words Quiz 2

Posted in word play quizzes

1. According to the saying, what is 'nine points of the law'?

2. What is 'Adams ale'?

3. 'Madam I'm Adam' is an example of what?

4. According to the saying, what is the 'thief of time'?

5. What is unusual about the word 'facetious'?

6. Which word was coined by the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley to describe the uncertainty about God's existence?

7. What is the literal meaning of the Greek word 'Utopia'?

8. What does the Spanish word for a bullfighter, 'matador', mean?

9. What name is given to the 'misuse or theft of anything from a consecrated building'?

10. What is 'Attic salt'?  

What word fits after the first word and before second word in each of the cases below

11. close     stream

12. dap     made

13. ear     gun

14. fair     keeper

15. goal     office

16. hair     out

17 index     tip

18. knock     side

19. monkey     man

20. net     place  


1. Possession

2. Water

3. A Palindrome

4. Procrastination

5. It Features All The Vowels In Order

6. Agnosticism

7. No Place

8. Killer

9. Sacrilege

10. Dry, Delicate, Pointed Wit

11. up

12. hand

13. shot

14. game

15. post

16. line

17. finger

18. out

19. business

20. work