Letters and Numbers Quiz 1

Posted in word play quizzes

Each answer consists of a letter followed by a number

1. In shipping, which abbreviation means "First class"?

2. Which is London's orbital motorway?

3. Paul Hewson is the lead singer with which group?

4. Which road runs from York to Newcastle?

5. What was the name of Clive Sinclair's battery powered tricycle?

6. Godwen-Austen is the alternative name of which peak?

7. Which document do employees receive at the end of the financial year?

8. Which aircraft was known as the Flying Fortress?

9. What name is given to the regular summit meetings between the world's most powerful economies?

10. Which airship crashed in 1930 with the loss of 54 lives?  


1. A1

2. M25

3. U2

4. A19

5. C5

6. K2

7. P60

8. B17

9. G7 It is not to be confused with the G8, which is the annual meeting of the heads of government of the aforementioned nations, plus Russia.

10. R101