Add a Letter Quiz 2

Posted in word play quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Alan Macdonald from the UK. Thanks Alan, great idea.

Simply put: The answer to the first clue is a five letter word. Add a letter to that word to give the answer to the second clue.

1. Stir something briskly to make a favourite alcoholic tipple

2. Puts a sharp edge on a cutting tool and doesn't tell lies

3. Holds something tight then moans about it

4. Reduce cheese to small strips then go in a circle

5. Give one thickness of cake to a solicitor

6. A large ape and its colour

7. Is this one of the lights that control the curved shape of a road?

8. Make an underwater worker change direction

9. Find a safe anchorage that's blissful

10. Get a white bird to show remorse


1. Whisk/Whisky

2. Hones/Honest

3. Grips/Gripes

4. Grate/Gyrate

5. Layer/Lawyer

6. Orang/Orange

7. Amber/Camber

8. Diver/Divert

9. Haven/Heaven

10. Egret/Regret