Colours Quiz 5

Posted in other trivia quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by The Wanderer from the UK. Many thanks, Wanderer, great job!

1. What is commonly known as ?Black Gold??

2. Which coloured precious stone was in Fergie's engagement ring?

3. Which TV talent show was hosted by Hughie Green

4. Who was presenter for many years of BBC?s Old Grey Whistle test?

5. What colour is orange blossom?

6. What character does Craig Charles play in Red Dwarf?

7. Grey Gables is associated with which radio programme?

8. In which city does the white Nile meet the blue Nile?

9. Who had a top ten hit in 1967 with Mellow Yellow?

10. What is the name of the bully from Tom Brown?s Schooldays?


1. Oil

2. Ruby

3. Opportunity Knocks

4. Bob Harris

5. White

6. Lister

7. The Archers

8. Khartoum

9. Donovan

10. Flashman