Nicknames Quiz 4

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1. Which politician was dubbed The Iron maiden/lady and Attila the hen?

2. Which animal is known as the ship of the desert?

3. Who was known as the forces sweetheart?

4. Which British playwright and actor was known as The Master?

5. By what name was Martha Jane Canary better known?

6. Who was the wizard of Dribble?

7. Who is the Big Yin?

8. Which European city is often referred to as ?the eternal city??

9. Which American city is often referred to as ?the windy city??

10. Who was the ?Bard of Ayrshire??  


1. Margaret Thatcher

2. The Camel

3. Vera Lynn

4. Noel Coward

5. Calamity Jane

6. Sir Stanley Mathews

7. Billy Connolly

8. Rome

9. Chicago

10. Robert Burns