Animals Quiz 2

Posted in science and nature quizzes

1. What animal provides 50% of all the protein eaten in Peru?

2. In the wild, which animal pollinates banana plants?

3. In which country did Turkeys originate?

4. What sort of animal is a fennec?

5. A paddling is a group of which animals?

6. What animal always gives birth to same sex twins?

7. What animals make up the Suidae family?

8. What type of animal is a markhor?

9. What animal could be Siberian or Caspian?

10. Which small animal is the only animal that has legs but cannot walk with them?

11. What is a chemically castrated cock called?

12. Which insect has the best eyesight?

13. What was pirate Captain Flint's ship called?

14. What is a smew?

15. Sobek was an Egyptian god - in what form is he seen?

16. How many compartments are there in a Cow's stomach?

17. How many humps on an African camel?

18. How many tentacles does a squid have?

19. If cats are feline, what are sheep?

20. In a beehive, who are the queen's closest servants?


1. The Guinea Pig

2. Bats

3. The USA

4. A Desert Fox

5. Ducks

6. Armadillo

7. Pigs

8. A wild goat

9. Tiger

10. The Hummingbird

11. A Capon

12. The Dragonfly

13. Walrus

14. A wild duck

15. A crocodile

16. Four

17. One

18. Ten

19. Ovine

20. Drones