Human Body Quiz 2

Posted in science and nature quizzes

1. Biology - what is the1 Tympanum better known as? 

2. How many chambers are there in the Human Heart? 

3. If two people are osculating, what are they doing? 

4. If you are Masticating, what are you doing? 

5. In Encephalitis, what part of the body is enlarged? 

6. In the Human Body, where is the Uvula? 

7. What does a Bicephalous person have? 

8. What appear when the Sun activates your Melanocytes? 

9. What are the four main Blood Groups? 

10. What are the front cutting teeth called? 

11. What is the most common non-contagious disease?

12. What are you if you are Hirsute? 

13. Where in the body is Insulin produced? 

14. What can't you stop moving if you have Athetosis?

15. What is the correct term for the Kneecap?

16. What are the two types of Blood Corpuscles in Humans?

17. What sense is most closely linked to memory?

18. What bodily function can reach over 200 mph?

19. What is removed in a Splenectomy?

20. What 4 taste can a human detect?

21. What does a polyorchid man have at least 3 of?

22. Where is the human skin the thickest?

23. What part of the body does lacrimal fluid lubricate?  

24. Which finger's nail grows the quickest?

25. Which sex is twice as likely to catch Leprosy?

26. What part of the human body is most commonly bitten by insects?

27. What part of the body is affected by Cholecystitis?

28. What is it impossible to keep open when sneezing?

29. What is the hardest bone in the Human Body?

30. What is the outermost layer of skin called?

31. Which gland in the body is responsible for regulating metabolism and growth?

32. In the human body, how is the soft substance called "myeloid" tissue better known?


1. Ear Drum

2. Four

3. Kissing

4. Chewing

5. Brain

6. Mouth or Throat

7. Two Brains

8. Freckles

9. A, B, AB and O

10. Incisors

11. Tooth Decay

12. Hairy

13. The Pancreas

14. Fingers and Toes

15. Patella

16. Red and White

17. Smell

18. Sneezing

19. Spleen

20. Sweet, Sour, Salt, Bitter

21. Testicles

22. The Back

23. The Eyes

24. Middle finger

25. The male

26. The foot

27. Gall Bladder

28. Eyes

29. Jaw Bone

30. Epidermis

31. The thyroid gland

32. Bone marrow