Asian Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. What is the name of the historic pass into the north-west frontier of Pakistan from Afghanistan

2. Which Asian City hosted the 1964 Olympic Games?

3. The lowest point on the surface of the earth lies in Asia, what is it?

4. After Russia, China is the biggest country of Asia, which one comes third?

5. What is the Thai word for “Free”?

6. In which holiday resort did a bomb explode killing over 200 people last weekend?

7. What is strange about the title of the movie Krakatoa, East of Java?

8. How is the holy city of Benares otherwise known?

9. Which hotel did Japanese officers use as their base in Hong Kong?

10. What is the largest city of China, in terms of population?  

11. By what name is the Central Asian snow leopard also known?

12. What Asian gave up his Divine status in 1945?

13. Which Asian kingdom was formerly known as Siam?

14. What was the former name of the country known since 1989 as Myanmar?

15. Which large Asian country is known as Bharat in its official language?

16. On a flight from Sri Lanka to Hong Kong you would pass over 5 countries name any 2?

17. What is Krakatoa?

18. What was the only religion in Japan prior to the 6th century AD?

19. How long is the Great Wall of China (900, 1400, 2100, 3400, or 10000 miles

20. Give the 2 other names by which the mountain Chogori is known by?

21. Which is the largest city in Japan in population?

22. What is the name of China’s greatest river?

23. Which of these curries is the hottest Vindaloo, Phall, Korma, Tikka or Madras

24. What is or was a Coolie?

25. Which Capital city is reputed to be the oldest in the world?


1. The Khyber Pass

2. Tokyo

3. The Dead Sea

4. India

5. Thai

6. Kuta

7. It is west of Java

8. Varenesi

9. The Peninsula

10. Shanghai  

11. Ounce

12. Emperor Hirohito

13. Thailand

14. Burma

15. India

16. (any 2) Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China

17. A Volcano

18. Shintoism

19. 1400 Miles

20. K2 and Mount Goodwin Austin

21. Tokyo

22. Yangtse Kiang

23. Iran

24. An Indian or Chinese hired labourer

25. Damascus