4th November Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

1) Which Roman Catholic convert was arrested in Parliaments Cellar On this day 1605?

2) On this day 1862 who invented the rapid fire Machine Gun?

3) On this day in which year was the tomb of Tutankhamen discovered?

4) On this day 1946 UNESCO was established. In which European Capital City are its headquarters?

5) On this day 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected President of the USA. What number president was he?

6) On this day in which year did Iranian students storm the US embassy in Tehran?

7) On this day in 1991 who returned to the Philippines after 5 years in exile in the USA?

8) Born this day 1918, Art Carney in which field did he become famous?

9) Died this composer Felix Mendelssohn, what nationality was he?

10) On this day 1914 what first was held at the New York Ritz Carlton Hotel and was sponsored by Vogue magazine?  


1) Guy Fawkes

2) Richard Gatling

3) 1922

4) Paris

5) 40

6) 1980

7) Imelda Marcos

8) Acting

9) German

10) Fashion Show