3rd July Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

1) Born 1927 the controversial director of the Film ?Women In Love? Who is it?

2) Died 1908, the creator of the characters Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit, Who is it?

3) Which member of The Rolling Stones Died on his swimming pool On this day in 1969?

4) Died on this day in 1971 Jim Morrisson of a heart attack, with which group did he achieve fame?

5) 1928, The first colour transmission was demonstrated by whom at Covent Garden?

6) 1938, which train reached a world record speed of 126 mph?

7) 1954, what finally ended 9 years after the end of World War II in Great Britain?

8) 1962, Which French President signed the declaration granting Algeria independence?

9) 1976, Which airport did Israeli commandos rescue 103 hostages?

10) 1987, Which former SS Officer was sentenced to life for war crimes?  


1) Ken Russell

2) Joel Chandler

3) Brian Jones

4) The Doors

5) John Logie Baird

6) The Mallard

7) Rationing

8) Charles De Gaulle

9) Entebbe

10) Klaus Barbie