Human Body Quiz 3

Posted in science and nature quizzes

1. What part of your body is the metacarpus?

2. If you had the Wasserman test what would you be been tested for?

3. What is the more common name for the bone called the maxilla?

4. If you were put on Allopurinol what illness would you be likely to be suffering from?

5. What names are given to the two bones in your forearm?

6. What name is given to the light sensitive part of the eye?

7. What is the medical name given to the thigh bone?

8. How is the substance called Myeloid Tissue better known?

9. What can be true false or floating?

10. Chang and Eng Bunker were the first recorded people to suffer with which complaint?  

11. What on the human body, and especially on the face, are lentigines? (pronounced LEN-TIJ-JEN-NEES)

12. Which part of the body would be affected by myalgia?

13. Gingivitis is inflammation of which part of the body?

14. To which part of the body does the adjective 'pulmonic' refer?

15. Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of which organ of the body?

16. What is defined as: 'A state marked by reduced consciousness, diminished activity of the skeletal muscles and depressed metabolism'?

17. A goitre is an inflammation or swelling of which gland of the body?

18. In which organ of the body can the pineal gland be found?

19. What part of the hand is the pollex?

20. Which is the largest bone in the human body?


1. Hand

2. Syphillis

3. Upper Jaw

4. Gout

5. Radius and Ulna

6. Retina

7. Femur

8. Bone Marrow

9. Ribs

10. Siamese Twins

11. Freckles

12. The Muscles

13. The Gums

14. The Lungs

15. The Kidney

16. Sleep

17. Thyroid Gland

18. The Brain

19. The Thumb

20. The Femur