9th March Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

The following quiz questions were submitted by Perry Bartlett. Perry runs a quiz night at Floyd's Bar, Cerro Branco, Albufeira in Portugal every Saturday & Wednesday night at 10pm. Many thanks Perry.

1. Who did Napoleon marry today in 1796?

2. The first man to orbit the earth was born today in 1934, who was he?

3. Inter Milan was founded today in 1908, what colour shirts do they wear?

4. John Profumo died today in 1960, who played him in the 1989 film ?Scandal??

5. Bobby Fischer was born today in 1943, what was he the world champion at in the 1970s?

6. Who murdered George Cornell in the Blind Beggar Pub in Whitechapel today in 1966?

7. Born today in 1918, who created the detective Mike Hammer?

8. Which Mexican revolutionary led an attack on Columbus, New Mexico on this day in 1916?

9. George Burns passed away today in 1996, to whom was he married for 38 years?

10. How old is Barbie today (2008)?


1. Josephine de Beauharnais

2. Yuri Gagarin

3. Black and Blue

4. Ian McKellen

5. Chess

6. Ron Kray

7. Mickey Spillane

8. Pancho Villa

9. Gracie Allen

10. 49


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