Pauls Quiz 144
1. The national game buzkashi is played on
a. water
b. ice
c. hot coals
d. horse back
2. Which 'gentle' sport combining eastern and western traditions was invented in 1882 by Kano Jigoro and became Olympic in 1964 ?
3. In the early 20th century, what were the biggest selling dolls in the USA? (name stems from a Roman god)
4. Which word is associated with all of the following ? (Three letters)
Bath, Black, Penny and Chelsea
5. The colosseum in Rome could hold around 50,000 spectators. Which building in Rome could hold 250,000 plus ?
6. A tasty question for physics buffs. Down, Up, Strange, Charm, Bottom and Top are all what ? Two words
7. In 1667, Britain handed Suriname to the Netherlands in exchange for what:
a. Nieuw Amsterdam (New York),
b. Nieuw Holland (Australia),
c. Nieuw Nassau (Bahamas) or
d. Nieuw Zeeland?
8. Which acting method does one associate with Lee Strasberg ?
9. In 1375 Taillevent wrote Le Viandier, the oldest French what on record ?
10. Who released the following cult albums from the 1950's:
a. Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs
b. Birth of the Cool
c. Songs for Swingin Lovers
d. Brilliant Corners
1. d. Horse back Buzkashi is a traditional Central Asian team sport played on horseback. The steppes' people were skilled riders who could grab a goat or calf from the ground while riding a horse at full gallop. The goal of a player is to grab the carcass of a headless goat or calf, and then get it clear of the other players and pitch it across a goal line or into a target circle or vat. The game is known as Buzkashi in Afghanistan and among Persian-speaking populations of Central Asia while in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the game is referred to as Kok-boru or Ulak Tart.
2. Judo. The gentle way. Judo, meaning "gentle way", is a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budō) and combat sport, that originated in Japan in the late nineteenth century. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an opponent to submit by joint locking the elbow or by applying a choke. Strikes and thrusts (by hands and feet) - as well as weapons defenses - are a part of judo, but only in pre-arranged forms (kata) and are not allowed in judo competition or free practice (randori). Ultimately, the philosophy and subsequent pedagogy developed for judo became the model for almost all modern Japanese martial arts that developed from "traditional" schools (koryū). Practitioners of judo are called jūdōka.
3. Kewpie dolls (a combination of Cupid and cute) Kewpie dolls and figurines are based on illustrations by Rose O'Neill that appeared in Ladies' Home Journal in 1909. These illustrations, which incorporated words and pictures with the recurring Kewpie characters, are considered to be early versions of the comic strip medium. The small dolls were extremely popular in the early 1900s. They were first made out of bisque and then celluloid. In 1949, Effanbee created the first hard plastic versions. Their name, often shortened to "Kewpies", in fact is derived from "Cupid", the Roman god. The early dolls, especially signed or bisque, are highly collectible and worth thousands of dollars. The time capsule at the 1939 New York World's Fair contained a Kewpie doll.
4. bun:
Bath bun (sweet bun containing spices and dried fruit)
Black bun (rich dark fruitcake)
Bun penny (old penny depicting Queen Victoria with her hair in a bun, issued between 1860 and 1894)
Chelsea bun (sweet currant bun)
5. Circus maximus The Circus Maximus (Latin for greatest circus, in Italian Circo Massimo) is an ancient hippodrome and mass entertainment venue located in Rome. Situated in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, the location was first utilized for public games and entertainment by the Etruscan kings of Rome. Certainly, the first games of the Ludi Romani (Roman Games) were staged at the location by Tarquinius Priscus, the fith Etruscan ruler of Rome. Somewhat later, the Circus was the site of public games and festivals influenced by the Greeks in the 2nd century BC. Meeting the demands of the Roman citizenry for mass public entertainment on a lavish scale, Julius Caesar expanded the Circus around 50 BC, after which the track measured approximately 600 m (1,968 ft) in length, 80 m (387 ft) in breadth and could accommodate an estimated 250,000 spectators (many more, perhaps an equal number again, could view the games by standing, crowding and lining the adjoining hills).
6. Quark flavours
7. a. Nieuw Amsterdam
8. Stanislavsky / Stanislavski
9. Cook book Le Viandier (often called Le Viandier de Taillevent) is a recipe collection largely credited to Guillaume Tirel, alias Taillevent. The earliest version of the book has been dated to around 1300, about 10 years before the birth of Tirel. The original author is unknown, but it was not uncommon for medieval and early modern recipe collections to be plagiarized, complemented with additional material and presented as the work of later authors. There are four major versions of it. The oldest manuscript, published in 1395, at the Biblioth?que nationale de France. Somewhat later and slightly expanded is the Vatican Manuscript, which is better known because it was reprinted in 1892 by J?r?me Pichon and Georges Vicaire. There is yet another altered manuscript in the Biblioth?que Mazarine in Paris. In 1485, an edition was printed, considerably altered from the original manuscripts. It is one of the earliest recipe collections of the Middle Ages. Among other things, it contains the first detailed description of an entremet.
10. Four Answers
a. Marty Robbins
b. Miles Davis
c. Frank Sinatra
d. Thelonious Monk