Pauls Quiz 466
1. In which country do the most tetraphobics live?
2. In which two films does a character played by Ben Affleck witness a nuclear detonation? One point for each correct answer.
3. Since 1983, which of the following flag carriers has been the official airline of Santa Claus?
a. Icelandair, b. Air Canada, c. KLM, d. Finnair
4. From the 10th century BC until the last emperor was deposed in 1974, the Solomonic dynasty ruled in which modern day country?
5. Which four songs on The Beatles studio albums are under 1 minute in length? One point for each correct answer.
6. The last FIFA World Cup in which the Golden Boot winner scored 10 or more goals was Mexico 1970. Which player was the top scorer with 10 goals?
7. Which of the following is the fastest growing tree in the Northern Hemisphere?
a. birch, b. poplar, c. ash, d. willow
8. "If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space" was a movie poster tag line for which 1997 film?
9. The metropolitan area of Santa Cruz de la Sierra has 2,000,000 plus inhabitants and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. In which country is it located?
10. Luthiery (also spelled 'Lutherie') is the craft or art of making what?
11. Which airline was the first to introduce passenger jet service in 1952?
12. The incurable neurological disorder Kuru, also known as the "laughing sickness", is endemic to the tribal regions of which country?
13. Valeri Polyakov holds the record for the longest single space flight. Plus or minus 30, how many complete days did he spend on board the Mir space station?
14. Which 1989 Hollywood fantasy-drama was based on the novel titled "Shoeless Joe"?
15. Which J.S. was for much of the 1960s the highest paid model in the world?
16. Which airport in Canada was known as the "Cross-roads of the world" in the 1950s and early 1960s?
17. What is the name of the spider in Home Alone?
18. The national drink of Bermuda is a highball cocktail made with dark rum, ginger beer and a slice of lime. What is it called?
19. What were the names of the two Pink Floyd studio albums released between The Dark Side Of The Moon in 1973 and The Wall in 1979?
20. Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri violins were all once made in which Italian town?
1. China (fear of the number 4)
2. Two answers. Armegeddon and The Sum Of All Fears
3. Answer d. Finnair
4. Ethiopia
5. Four answers. Wild Honey Pie (52 sec), Dig It (51 sec), Maggie May (39 sec), Her Majesty (23 sec)
6. Gerd Müller
7. Answer b. poplar
8. Contact
9. Bolivia
10. String instruments
11. BOAC
12. Papua New Guinea
13. 437
14. Field of Dreams
15. Jean Shrimpton
16. Gander
17. Axl
18. Dark 'n' Stormy
19. Two answers. Wish You Were Here (1975) and Animals (1977)
20. Cremona