Pauls Quiz 147
1. According to folklore, who could shed no more than three tears ?
a. a warlock
b. Bonnie Prince Charlie
c. a witch
d. Oliver Cromwell
2. A musical instrument and an old dance. Eight letters, the sixth letter is an "i".
3. What is the largest inland lake in South America ?
4. What was the bloodiest day in the history of the British Army ? (19,240 dead, 57,470 casualties)
5. Circles, dots, arcs and other non-representational designs engraved into rock and cave walls are called what ? Eleven letters and the second letter is an "e".
6. Greek port from which most currants were imported. Seven letters
7. What is the name of the musical instrument which is a combination of two small drums, one bahina (left) and the other dahina (right) ?
8. The following are the first words to which books ?
a. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen......
b. It was five o'clock on a winters morning in Syria......
c. It was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when father wolf woke up.....
d. The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning......
9. Plus or minus 50 years, when was the last legal execution of a witch in Scotland ?
10. The surrealist poet Leon-Paul Fargue honoured which popular French product with the title 'les pieds de Dieu' (the feet of God)?
1. c. a witch. A woman who weapt at her wedding assured the husband she had not "plighted her troth" to the devil. A notion long prevailed in this country that it augured ill for a matrimonial alliance if the bride did not weep profusely at the wedding. As no witch could shed more than three tears, and those from her left eye only, a copious flow of tears gave assurance to the husband that the lady had not ?plighted her troth? to Satan, and was no witch.
Quote from E. Cobham Brewer 1810?1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898
2. Hornpipe Dance: The term hornpipe refers to any of several dance forms played and danced in Britain and elsewhere from the late 17th century until the present day.
Instrument: The hornpipe is a woodwind instrument incorporating animal horn around the reed, at the sounding end, or both. It is a single-reed instrument, in some cases played with the mouth and in others with a bag. It was also known as the pibcorn, pibgorn, or piccorn.
3. Titicaca Lake Titicaca is a lake located on the border of Bolivia and Peru. It sits 3,812 m (12,507 ft) above sea level making it the highest commercially navigable lake in the world. By volume of water it is also the largest lake in South America. The lake is located at the northern end of the endorheic Altiplano basin high in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. The western part of the lake lies within the Puno Region of Peru, and the eastern side is located in the Bolivian La Paz Department.
4. July 1, 1916 . First day of the battle of the Somme.
5. Petroglyphs Petroglyphs are images created by removing part of a rock surfaces by incising, pecking, carving, and abrading. Outside North America, scholars often use terms such as "carving", "engraving", or other descriptions of technique to refer to such images. Petroglyphs are found world-wide, and are often (but not always) associated with prehistoric peoples. The word comes from the Greek words petros meaning "stone" and glyphein meaning "to carve" (it was originally coined in French as p?troglyphe).
6. Corinth. Currant stems from Rayson de Corannte (raison of Corinth)
7. Tabla The tabla is a popular Indian percussion instrument used in the classical, popular and religious music of the Indian subcontinent and in Hindustani classical music. The instrument consists of a pair of hand drums of contrasting sizes and timbres. The term tabla is derived from an Arabic word which means "drum".
8. Four Answers
a. 1984 (Orwell)
b. Murder on the Orient Express (Christie)
c. Jungle Book (Kipling)
d. Casino Royale (Flemming)
9. 1727. Janet Horne was tarred, feathered and roasted in Dornoch in Sutherland. She was accused of having 'turned' her daughter into a pony. The charge, somewhat laughably now, was that Janet had cast a spell on her daughter to put horseshoes on her hands and feet, so that she could be ridden like a pony, thereby solving the familys transport shortage problems at a stroke. A devilishly cunning plan if ever there was one. It was, the prosecution claimed, as a result of this treatment that the daughter had badly deformed hands and feet, evidence that all could see with their own eyes. The deformed daughter was acquitted but Janet was found guilty and was executed by burning in a barrel of tar. On the bitterly cold morning of her execution, she astonished the onlooking crowd by calmly warming her hands at the fire which would soon consume her. Proof of her innocence, as if it were required, would come some years later with the birth of her grand-daughter, a child possessing exactly the same deformity of hands and feet, quite obviously the result of inherited genetic malformation. In the hysteria that spread throughout Scotland in the seventeenth century and continued until the repeal of the Witchcraft Act in 1736, it has been estimated by historians of the period that as many as 4500 innocent Scotswomen were killed, quite legally, in the most vile and painful ways, including stoning, crushing, drowning and, of course, the ever-popular burning at the stake.
10. Cheese. Camembert to be exact! L?on-Paul Fargue was a French poet and essayist. He was born in Paris, France. As a poet he was noted for his poetry of atmosphere and detail. His work spanned numerous literary movements. Before he reached 19 years of age, Fargue had already published in L'Art litt?raire in 1894 and his important poem Tancr?de appeared in the magazine Pan in 1895. As an opponent of the surrealists, he became a member of the Symbolist poetry circle connected with Le Mercure de France. He was also a poet of Paris, and later in his career he published two books about the city, D'apr?s Paris (1931) and Le pi?ton de Paris (1939).