7th May Quiz
The following quiz questions were submitted by Perry Bartlett. Perry runs a quiz night at Floyd's Bar, Cerro Branco, Albufeira in Portugal every Saturday & Wednesday night at 10pm. Many thanks Perry.
1. Louis XIV of France inaugurated which palace today in 1664?
2. Born today in 1840, who composed the 1812 Overture?
3. Guru Nanak Dev, who died today in 1539, was the founder of which religion?
4. Beethoven?s ninth symphony was premiered today in 1824 in which European capital city?
5. Born on this day in 1892, who was president of Yugoslavia from 1953 until his death in 1980?
6. Which actor and WWII naval hero who died today in 2000 was the first husband of Joan Crawford?
7. On this day in 1915 which passenger liner was sunk by a German submarine off the southern coast of Ireland?
8. Which Coronation Street actor is the son of chef Brian Turner, who is 62 today (2008)?
9. Willy Brandt resigned as leader of which country today in 1974?
10. How old is actor Richard O?Sullivan today (2008)?
1. Versailles
2. Tchaikovsky
3. Sikhism
4. Vienna
5. Josip Tito
6. Douglas Fairbanks Jr
7. RMS Lusitania
8. Michael Le Vell
9. West Germany
10. 64