8th March Quiz

Posted in calendar quizzes

The following quiz questions were submitted by Perry Bartlett. Perry runs a quiz night at Floyd's Bar, Cerro Branco, Albufeira in Portugal every Saturday & Wednesday night at 10pm. Many thanks Perry.

1. In which year did riots on this day in St. Petersburg lead to the Russian Revolution?

2. Born today in 1859, who wrote ?The Wind in the Willows??

3. Which comedy actor, who passed away today in 2007 was famous for the catchphrase ?I?m free??

4. Which airport, north east of Paris, opened today in 1974?

5. Birthday girl Cheryl Baker won the Eurovision song contest as part of which group?

6. Who became undisputed world heavyweight boxing champion today in 1971, after beating Muhammad Ali on points at Madison Square Garden?

7. 32 today (2008), Gaz Coombes is singer and guitarist with which Britpop band?

8. Which actor and singer, who passed away today in 2003, played ?Budgie? on TV in the seventies?

9. What was the name of the boat in which Donald Campbell died attempting the world water speed record, which was raised from Coniston water today in 2001?

10. How old is former Monkey, Mickey Dolenz today (2008)?


1. 1917

2. Kenneth Grahame

3. John Inman

4. Charles de Gaulle

5. Bucks Fizz

6. Joe Frazier

7. Supergrass

8. Adam Faith

9. Bluebird

10. 63


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