Connections Quiz 38
1. What is the most common name for British Pubs?
2. Which athlete did Sharon Davies divorce in 2000?
3. In which 1985 film was Tom Hanks mistaken for a spy because he had lost an item of footwear?
4. Which pop group was originally called the Frantic Elevators?
5. What is the name of the Muslim equivalent of the Red Cross?
6. In which TV drama did Sarah Lancashire play Coral Atkins?
7. What was the title of the 1984 film starring Patrick Swayze as the leader of a gang fighting against a Russian invasion of America?
8. What did fire-fighter Paul Neal change his name to?
9. Which novel by Stephen Crane was set during the American Civil War?
10. What is the connection?
1. RED Lion
2. Derek REDmond
3. The man with one RED shoe
4. Simply RED
5. The RED Crescent
6. Seeing RED
7. RED Dawn
8. RED Adair
9. The RED Badge of Courage
10. RED