Easy General Knowledge Quiz 7
The following quiz round was submitted by Pamela Drinkall from the UK. Pamela runs a quiz at the Sutton on Sea Social club every Thursday night. Many thanks Pamela, a great round!
Pamela describes this round as an easy round. We say: A round is only easy when you know the answers!
1. Who sang When i`m cleaning windows & Oh Mr Woo
2. In the likley lads who did Bob marry
3. What pack is led by brown owl
4. Who wrote The Pit and the Pendulem
5. Which radio station opened in the 70s was the first legal opposition to the B B C.
6. Where in the UK is there a large army camp and also a racecourse?
7. Which video cass dissapeared as it could not compete with V H S
8. Which is non metal and a major constituent of glass
9. Where are the Whitsunday isles
10. Unravel this for a film RISK HAT FOR OLDEST ERA
11. Which vedge has the most calories
12. What is THANATOSIS
13. Where is the Welland ship canal
14. Which Scottish Glen is Loch Ness in
15. Who wrote the music to Rule Britiannia
16. What is a boyar
17. Which year was the Berlin wall erected
18. Which Royal wedding was the first to shown on T V in colour
19. Which playwright won an oscar as well as a nobel prize
1. George Formby
2. Thelma
3. Brownies
4. Edger Allen Poe
5. London Broadcasting Corporation (LBC)
6. Caterick, Aldershot
7. Betamax
8. Silicon
9. Austraila ( Queensland)
10. Raiders of the Lost Ark
11. Avacardo
12. Playing dead or Playing Possam
13. Canada
14. Glen More
15. Thomas Arne
16. A Russian Aristocrat
17. 1961
18. Princess Anne Mark Philips
19. George Bernard Shaw
20. Your stomach making noises