Nuts Quiz 1

Posted in other trivia quizzes

1. What nuts are used to make Marzipan?

2. What were the only things that the little nut tree would bear?

3. Who had a number 1 hit in 1962 with nutrocker?

4. Which nuts are used to make satay sauce?

5. Which successful writer and director of TV and films had an early success with the play Nuts in May?

6. Which comedian starred in the 1963 film The Nutty Professor?

7. Which nuts are used to make Pesto sauce?

8. Who composed the Nutcracker suite?

9. Brazil-where the nuts come from is a famous line from which play?

10. Who lived at the Chestnuts in Guilford?


1. Almonds

2. A silver nutmeg and a golden pear

3. B Bumble and the stingers

4. Peanuts

5. Mike Leigh

6. Jerry Lewis

7. Pine Nuts

8. Tchaivovsky

9. Charley?s Aunt

10. Lewis Carroll  


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