The Letter F Quiz 1

Posted in alphabetical quizzes

1. Which F was a leading actor in the TV series Bouquet of Barbed Wire

2. What F is the party once led by Charles Haughey?

3. Which F is the name of the horse that won the 1967 Grand national?

4. Which F is the right granted by a company to sell its goods in a particular area?

5. Which F was an American actress of the 1930s and 1940s later played by Jessica Lange in a biographical film?

6. Which F was a 1960s TV puppet series in which the main character was Steve Zodiac?

7. Which F is the number of men on ?the dead mens chest??

8. Which F describes a petticoat made of hoops of whalebone?

9. Which F is the foul fiend mentioned in Shakespeare?s King Lear?

10. Which F is the publishing company that has had both TS Eliot and Pete Townsend as poetry editors?  


1. Frank Finlay

2. Fianna Fail

3. Foinavon

4. Franchise

5. Frances Farmer

6. Fireball Xl5

7. Fifteen

8. Farthingale

9. Flibbertigibbet

10. Faber & Faber


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