Mammoth General Knowledge Quiz 2
1. What bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead into?
2. How did Carole Lomabard die?
3. What theory did John T Scopes teach, contrary to Tennessee law in 1925?
4. What beautiful youth pined for the love of his reflection?
5. What do frogs have in their mouth that toads don?t?
6. What Sinatra hit did he ?dooby dooby do? in?
7. Who was the first British prime minister to serve under Queen Elizabeth II?
8. How many zero?s are there in a British Billion?
9. What river is Gateshead on?
10. Who wrote Catch 22?
11. What sort of fruit is a Laxton's Superb?
12. Bagpuss sits in whose shop window?
13. In the rhyme about magpies, one is for sorrow; two is for joy, what are 6 for?
14. Which Strait separates Sri Lanka from India?
15. Who was obsessed with killing Moby Dick?
16. Glyndebaume Opera house is in which county?
17. What appeared in the Times for the first time in Sept 1860?
18. What does vernal mean?
19. Who created the detective Phillip Marlowe?
20. What was Billy the Kid's REAL name?
21. At the start of a game of draughts, how many squares are not covered by pieces?
22. What are the international vehicle registration letters for Gibraltar?
23. In the show ?The Music Man? how many cornets followed the trombones in the ?big parade??
24. On which river does Durham stand?
25. What name is given to agriculture in a soiless environment?
26. Who was the infamous resident of 10 Rillington Place?
27. Which Tennis Player has been sued by his own fan club?
28. The Wattle is official symbol of which country?
29. The term Vortage is used in which sport?
30. The Dusenberg motor car comes from which country?
31. Who was the founder of Singapore?
32. What is the county town of Powys in Wales?
33. Who became the first secretary General of the UN in 1945?
34. Egyptian Pharaohs carry 2 items to signify power, name either?
35. What is the hobby of a campanologist?
36. Who was the last Aztec ruler of Mexico?
37. Which Irish Dramatist wrote Juno and the Paycock?
38. What was the real name of the Red Baron?
39. Who discovered the source of the river Nile?
40. Which scientist famous wrote his notes in a mirror to avoid detection?
41. Morel shitake and oyster are types of which food?
42. In 1974, which county was created out of parts of Durham and Yorkshire?
43. On which program did Peter Fenn use to appear as the shows organist?
44. How was Burl Ivanhoe better known?
45. Which building has the largest telephone switchboard in the world?
46. Who was the Liberal Democrat candidate for the London Mayor election?
47. Hampton House in Belfast, 3 Northgate in Glasgow, India Buildings in Newport and Aragon Court in Peterborough, what is the connection between these addresses?
48. Which tropical disease was named after a Nigerian village where it was first reported in the 1960s?
49. Who "got on his bike and looked for work"?
50. Which shipping forecast area has a name meaning literally end of the earth?
1. San Francisco Bay
2. In a plane crash
3. Evolution
4. Narcissus
5. Teeth
6. Strangers in the Night
7. Winston Churchill
8. 12
9. The Tyne
10. Jospeh Heller
11. Apple
12. Emily's
13. Gold
14. Palk Strait
15. Captain Ahab
16. E Sussex
17. Weather forecast
18. To do with Spring
19. Raymond Chandler
20. Henry Patrick McCarty
21. 40
22. GBZ
23. 110
24. Wear
25. Hydroponics
26. John Christie
27. Jimmy Connors
28. Australia
29. Skiiing
30. USA
31. Stamford Raffles
32. Llandrindod Wells
33. Trygvie Lie of Norway
34. A Crook or Flail
35. Bell Ringing
36. Montezuma II
37. William Pitt
38. Manfred Von Richthoffen
39. Sean O?Cassey
40. Leonardo Da Vinci
41. Mushroom
42. Cleveland
43. Sale Of The Century
44. Burl Ives
45. The Pentagon
46. Susan Kramer
47. All Offives Of The British Passport Agency
48. Lhassa
49. Norman Tebbitt's Father
50. Finisterre