Pauls Quiz 99
1. What do Colombia, Israel, the Phillippines
2. Which two medal winning swimmers have been in the most films? initials are JW and BS
3. Scientists believe that 4,000 km. wide diamonds could be found in the middle of a what? Two words, first letter W
4. Which man electrocuted an elephant with alternating current in an attempt to discredit Westinghouse?
5. Plus or minus five years, when was the last Japanese soldier found hiding in the Phillippines?
6. Between which two countries is the most heavily guarded border in the world ?
7. A slave in Sparta. Five letters
8. Name the two families who have won Oscars over three generations ?
9. Which writer is mentioned in the Police song "Dont stand so close to me" ?
10. The name for which kind of priest means "very wise" ? Five letters
1. They are all named after people. Colombia -- Christopher Columbus
Israel -- Jacob - God named Jacob as Israel after he had wrestled with God. The word Israel means "he struggles with God".
the Phillippines -- King Philip II of Spain
Saudi Arabia -- Muhammad bin Saud
Bolivia -- Sim?n Bol?var - leader of several independence movements throughout South America
Rhodesia -- Cecil Rhodes - whose British South Africa Company acquired the land in the nineteenth century.
2. Johnny Weissmuller and Bud Spencer Johnny Weissmuller (June 2, 1904 ? January 20, 1984) was an American swimmer and actor who was one of the world's best swimmers in the 1920s, winning five Olympic gold medals and one bronze medal. He won fifty-two US National Championships and set sixty-seven world records. After his swimming career, he became the sixth actor to portray Tarzan in films, a role he played in twelve motion pictures. Other actors also played Tarzan, but Weissmuller was the best-known. His distinctive, ululating Tarzan yell is still often used in films.
Bud Spencer (born October 31, 1929), born as Carlo Pedersoli, is a famous Italian actor, known for his height at 6' 4" (193 cm) and his past roles in spaghetti westerns. Growing from a successful swimmer in his youth, he later achieved a degree in law, and has registered several patents. Spencer participated in the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, reaching the semi-finals in the 100 m freestyle (58.8 s heats, 58.9 s semi final). Four years later, in Melbourne, he also entered the semi-finals in the same category (58.5 s heat, 59.0 s semi final). As a water polo player, he won the Italian Championship in 1954, with S.S. Lazio. His swimming career ended abruptly in 1957.
3. White dwarf (star) A white dwarf, also called a degenerate dwarf, is the kind of star which a main-sequence star of low or medium mass will become in the last stage of its evolution. After its hydrogen-fusing lifetime, such a star will expand to a red giant which fuses helium to carbon and oxygen in its core by the triple-alpha process. If a red giant has insufficient mass to generate the core temperatures required to fuse carbon, an inert mass of carbon and oxygen will build up at its center. After shedding its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, it will leave behind this core, which forms the remnant white dwarf.
4. Thomas Edison.(Edison propagated direct current) Despite Edison's contempt for capital punishment, the war against AC led Edison to become involved in the development and promotion of the electric chair as a demonstration of AC's greater lethal potential versus the "safer" DC. Edison went on to carry out a brief but intense campaign to ban the use of AC or to limit the allowable voltage for safety purposes. As part of this campaign, Edison's employees publicly electrocuted dogs, cats, and in one case, an elephant to demonstrate the dangers of AC. AC replaced DC in most instances of generation and power distribution, enormously extending the range and improving the efficiency of power distribution.
5. 1975
6. North and South Korea
7. Helot The Helots (in Classical Greek Εἵλωτες / He?l?tes) were the serfs of Sparta. They should not be confused with the chattel slaves, who were much less common (or nonexistent) in Sparta. The practice of keeping Helots also occurred in Thessaly, Crete, and Sicily. There are several theories as to the origin of the word. According to Hellanicus, it comes from the village of Helos, in the south of Sparta. Pausanias thus states "Its inhabitants became the first slaves of the Lacedaemonian state, and were the first to be called Helots, as in fact Helots they were. The slaves afterwards acquired, although they were Dorians of Messenia, also came to be called Helots"
8. Huston and Coppola
9. Nabakov Lyrics: Loose talk in the classroom, to hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom, the accusations fly
Its no use, he sees her, he starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in that book by nabakov
Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me.
10. Druid In Celtic polytheism the word druid denotes the priestly class in ancient Celtic societies, which existed through much of Western Europe north of the Alps and in Britain and Ireland until they were supplanted by Roman government and, later, Christianity. Druidic practices were part of the culture of all the tribal peoples called "Keltoi" and "Galatai" by Greeks and "Celtae" and "Galli" by Romans, which evolved into modern English "Celtic" and "Gaulish". They combined the duties of priest, arbitrator, healer, scholar, and magistrate.