Pauls Quiz 114
1. In which country did or does the dragon king rule?
2. February 1865 is the first month in recorded history in which what didnt happen?
3. What do Cronus (Saturn), Patrick Bateman, the Morlocks and the teachers of Springfield elementary school all have in common?
4. What is the tall hat a chef wears called ? Five letters, forth letter U
5. What does the Greek root 'bathy' mean?
6. What is the name of the babysitter in Gilbert O'Sullivans song "Clair"?
7. What percentage of the African population is under 15:
a: 22%
b: 42% or
c: 82%?
8. On which continents would you find the following winds:
a: Harmattan
b: Willy Willies
c: Pamperos
d: Chinook
e: Haboob
f: Mistral?
9. What was Gulliver's first name?
10. How long did it take a Gemini space capsule to orbit the earth:
a: 30 min
b: 60 min
c: 90 min or
d: 120 min?
1. Bhutan Bhutan was founded and unified as a country by the Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the mid-1600s. After his death the country nominally followed his recommended "dual system of government" which split control between an administrative leader (the Druk Desi), and a religious leader, the (Je Khenpo). In practice, regional penlops, or governors, often administered their districts in defiance of the power of the Desi Druks, until the rise of the unified monarchy in the early 20th century.
Kings of Bhutan (1907-Present): The monarchy was established in 1907, unifying the country under the control of the Wangchuk family, the traditional penlops of Trongsa district. The king of Bhutan is formally known as the Druk Gyalpo, the Dragon King. Bhutan observes 100 years of the Wangchuk Monarchy in 2007.
2. No full moon The moon phases cycle every 29.5 days. Februrary, with 28 days (and 29 on a leap year), does miss a phase periodically. In fact 1866, 1885, 1915, 1934, 1961 did not have a full phase. In 1972, a leap year, the full moon occurred on 02/29 at 03:12 UTC. As recently as 1999, there was no full moon during February.
3. They all turned to cannibalism - Patrick Bateman is a fictional character, the protagonist and narrator of the novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and its film adaptation. In his "secret life", however, Bateman is a serial killer who murders a variety of people, from colleagues to several prostitutes. His crimes, including rape, torture, murder and cannibalism, are described in graphic detail in the novel.
- Cronus, also called Cronos or Kronos, was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans, divine descendants of Gaia, the earth, and Uranus, the sky. He overthrew his father, Uranus, and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son, Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.
- Morlocks are a fictional species who dwell underground, created by H. G. Wells for his 1895 novel, The Time Machine.The Morlocks' main source of food is the Eloi, another race descended from humans who lives above ground. They seem to treat the Eloi as cattle, and the Eloi make no resistance.
4. Toque A toque blanche (French for "white hat"), often shortened to toque, is a tall, round, pleated, starched white hat worn by chefs. The many folds on a toque blanche are believed to signify the many ways that an egg can be cooked. Many toques have exactly 100 pleats. The toque most likely originated as the result of the gradual evolution of head coverings worn by cooks throughout the centuries. Their roots are sometimes traced to the casque a meche (stocking cap) worn by 18th-century French chefs. The colour of the casque a meche denoted the rank of the wearer. Boucher, the personal chef of the French statesman Talleyrand, was the first to insist on white toques for sanitary reasons. The modern toque is popularly believed to have originated with the famous French chefs Marie-Antoine Carême and Auguste Escoffier.
5. Deep
6. Ray Lyrics: But why in spite of our age difference do I cry
Each time I leave you I feel I could die
Nothing means more to me than hearing you say
I'm going to marry you
Will you marry me Uncle Ray?
Oh! Clair, Clair
7. b: 42%
8. Six Answers:
a: Africa
b: Australia
c: South America
d: North America
e: Africa
f: Europe
9. Lemuel Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), officially Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships, is a novel by Jonathan Swift that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' tales" literary sub-genre. It is Swift's best known and most esteemed work, and a classic of English literature.
10. c: 90 minWhen in low Earth orbit, the astronauts were cycling the Earth approximately every 90 minutes at a speed of over 17500 mph, with the attendant sunrises and sunsets