Pauls Quiz 119
1.Who or what would play an Aeolian harp?
2. All of the following countrys have two colours in their flag. (coat of arms excluded) Name the two colors.
a: Argentina
b: Monaco
c: Pakistan
d: Bangladesh
e: Georgia
f: Saudi Arabia
3. True or false: The US airforce has developed a chemical weapon that makes enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. (make love not war)
4. What is the title of the best selling single ever from a Dutch band? 1970s, and it was a hit single all over the world. Two words, second letter "A", fourth letter "A"
5. What was the name given to French possessions along the Atlantic seaboard in North America in the 17th and 18th centuries? Six letters
6. Scandal at Wimbeldon, 1905!!! What did the American woman May Sutton do that shocked the patrons and the tennis world:
a: she rolled up her sleeves,
b: she wore shorts, or
c: she used an overhead serve?
7. The Dutchman Cornelis Drebbel was the first man to construct which weapon, used succesfully in the Thames in 1620?
8. A Greek river meaning "river of woe". Seven letters
9. Measured in grams, what are the four heaviest organs?
10. What was Canada's biggest export in the 17th century?
1. The wind An aeolian harp (or æolian harp or wind harp) is a musical instrument that is "played" by the wind. It is named for Aeolus, the ancient Greek god of the wind. Aeolian harps were very popular as household instruments during the Romantic Era, and are still hand-crafted today. Some are now made in the form of monumental metal sound sculptures located on the roof of a building or a windy hilltop. The harp is driven by an aeroelastic effect. The merest motion of the wind across a string forces the air on the leading side to move faster than that on the trailing side; then the pressure ahead is slightly less than that behind, pushing the string further to the side, until the restoring force arising from deflection halts and reverses the motion. The effect can sometimes be observed in overhead utility lines, fast enough to be heard or slow enough to be seen. A stiff rod will perform; a non-telescoping automobile radio antenna can be a dramatic exhibitor. And of course the effect can happen in other media; in the anchor line of a ship in a river, for example.
a: d: b: e: c: f:
2. Six Answers
a: blue and white
b: red and white
c: green and white
d. green and orange(red)
e: red and white
f: green and white
3. False. although the idea won a prize recently
4. "Radar Love" from Golden EarringGolden Earring is a Dutch Hard rock/pop group that was founded in 1961 in The Hague as the Golden Earrings (the 's' was later dropped). They had international chart success with the songs "Eight Miles High" in 1969, "Radar Love" in 1973, and "Twilight Zone" in 1982. In their home country, they had over 40 hits and made over 30 gold and platinum albums. Between 1969 and 1984, Golden Earring completed thirteen US tours. During this period, they performed as the opening act for Santana, The Doobie Brothers, Rush and .38 Special; and in the early seventies, when "Radar Love" was a hit, had KISS and Aerosmith as their opening act. They enjoyed a brief period of stardom but were unable to secure further chart success until 1982's "Twilight Zone", which was followed by "When the Lady Smiles" in 1984. After a rather disappointing reaction in the US to the latter, Golden Earring turned their focus towards Europe where they continue to attract standing-room-only crowds. Golden Earring has recorded over 30 gold and platinum albums and singles , and a number of artists like U2, White Lion, R.E.M. and Bryan Adams have covered their international hit and rock classic "Radar Love". In total, over 200 covers exist of this song.
5. Acadia Acadia (in the French language l'Acadie) was the name given to a colonial territory in northeastern North America that included parts of eastern Quebec, the Maritime provinces, and modern-day New England, stretching as far south as Philadelphia. The actual specification by the French government for the territory refers to lands bordering the Atlantic coast, roughly between the 40th and 46th parallels. Later, the territory was divided into the British colonies which were to become Canadian provinces and American states. The origin of the name Acadia is credited to the explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano (14801527), who, on his sixteenth century map applied the Greek term "Arcadie", meaning the proverbial land of plenty, to the entire Atlantic coast north of Virginia. Another theory is that Acadia is derived from the Mi'kmaq term for " fertile place", pronounced "akadi" (still found in place names like Tracadie and Shubenacadie) and the Malecite term "quoddy", also meaning a "fertile place". The Dictionary of Canadian Biography says "'Arcadia,' the name Giovanni gave to Maryland or Virginia 'on account of the beauty of the trees,' made its first cartographical appearance in the 1548 Gastaldo map and is the only name to survive in Canadian usage. It has a curious history. In the 17th century Champlain fixed its present orthography, with the 'r' omitted, and Ganong has shown its gradual progress northwards, in a succession of maps, to its resting place in the Atlantic Provinces."
6. a: she rolled up her sleeves.(despicable) May Godfrey Sutton (Plymouth, England, September 25, 1886 October 4, 1975) was a tennis champion and the first American to win the singles title at Wimbledon. In 1905, she became the first American woman to win the Wimbledon singles title when she beat British star and reigning two-time Wimbledon champion Dorothea Douglass Chambers. And she did it while shocking the very proper British audience by rolling up her sleeves to bare her elbows and wearing a skirt that showed her ankles. For the next two years, she and Chambers met in the final, with Chambers recapturing the title in 1906 and Sutton winning it back in 1907. After that, Sutton did not return to play in England, instead competing at home in the U.S.
7. SubmarineCornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel (Alkmaar, Holland, 1572 - London, November 7, 1633) was the Dutch inventor of the first navigable submarine in 1620. Drebbel became famous for his 1619 invention of a microscope with two convex lenses. It was the first microscope with two optical lenses. He also built the first navigable submarine in 1620 while working for the British Royal Navy. Using William Bourne's design from 1578, he manufactured a steerable submarine with a leather-covered wooden frame. Between 1620 and 1624 Drebbel successfully built and tested two more submarines, each one bigger than the last. The final (third) model had 6 oars and could carry 16 passengers. This model was demonstrated to King James I in person and several thousand Londoners. The submarine stayed submerged for three hours and could travel from Westminster to Greenwich and back, cruising at a depth of from 12 to 15 feet (4 to 5 metres). This submarine was tested many times in the Thames, but never used in combat.
8. Acheron The Acheron is a river located in the Epirus region of northwest Greece. Acheron translates as the "river of woe" and it was believed to be a branch of the underworld river Styx over which in ancient Greek mythology Charon ferried the newly dead souls across into Hades. The lake called Acherousia and the river still called Acheron with the nearby ruins of the Necromanteion are found near Parga on the mainland opposite Corfu. Another branch of Acheron was believed to surface at the Acherusian cape (now Eregli in Turkey) and was seen by the Argonauts according to Apollonius of Rhodes. Greeks who settled in Italy identified the Acherusian lake into which Acheron flowed with Lake Avernus. Plato in his Phaedo identified Acheron as the second greatest river in the world, excelled only by Oceanus. He claimed that Acheron flowed in the opposite direction from Oceanus beneath the earth under desert places.
9. Skin, liver, brain and lungs
10. Beaver (fur)