Pauls Quiz 124
1. The island Murano is famous for which product ?
2. True or False: In India there are homes for aged cattle.
3. In which philosophy is pleasure (lust) the only goal ?
4. An open jacket and a dance style. Six letters
5. In which two (3) films would you find a scene with a baby in a baby carriage rolling unattended down the steps while all around there is confusion and gunfire?
6. What is the common name for the following illnesses
a: Rubella
b: Pharyngitis
c: Tetanus
d: Hansen's disease?
7. Perhaps the most expensive salivary secretion from an insect. Two words
8. In which years did the following boycott the summer olympic games
a: USA
c: Most of the African countries?
9. The US town Climax holds which record in the USA ?
10. When one wants to raise one's glass and say a few words at the table, why is it called a "toast"?
1. Glass (from Venice) Murano is usually described as an island in the Venetian Lagoon, although like Venice itself it is actually an archipelago of islands linked by bridges. It lies about a mile north of Venice and is famous for its glass making, particularly lampworking. Murano was settled by the Romans, then from the sixth century by people from Altino and Oderzo. At first, the island prospered as a fishing port and through production of salt. It was also a centre for trade, through the port it controlled on Sant'Erasmo. From the eleventh century, it began to decline as islanders moved to Dorsoduro. It had a Grand Council, like that of Venice, but from the thirteenth century Murano was ultimately governed by a podestà from Venice. Unlike the other islands in the Lagoon, Murano minted its own coins.
2. True. (goshalas)
3. Hedonism Hedonism is the philosophy that pleasure is the most important pursuit of mankind. The name derives from the Greek word for "pleasure". The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that is good for a person. This is often used as a justification for evaluating actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain* (i.e. suffering) they produce. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize this total (pleasure minus pain). The nineteenth-century British philosophers John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham defended the ethical theory of Utilitarianism, according to which we should perform whichever action is best for everyone. Conjoining hedonism, as a view as to what is good for people, to utilitarianism has the result that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.
4. Bolero Bolero is a 3/4 dance that originated in Spain in the late 18th century, a combination of the contradanza and the sevillana. It is danced by either a soloist or a couple. It is in a moderately slow tempo and is performed to music which is sung and accompanied by castanets and guitars with lyrics of five to seven syllables in each of four lines per verse.
A shrug or bolero jacket is an article of clothing, a sleeved sweater that covers the chest, shoulders and/or arms. It is usually worn by women. Generally, a shrug covers less of the body than a vest would, but it is more tailored than a shawl. It is shorter than a vest, covering a small portion of the upper body. When worn, some shrugs are tied together just below the breasts, while another style is cut-off at the sides, exposing the breasts. Shrugs are typically worn as the top layer of an outfit, with a full shirt or tank top beneath.
5. Two Answers:
Battleship Potemkin, The Battleship Potemkin is a 1925 silent film directed by Sergei Eisenstein and produced by Mosfilm. It presents a glorified version of the Battleship Potemkin uprising, a real-life event that occurred in 1905 when the crew of a Russian battleship rebelled against their oppressive officers during the Tsarist regime. The most famous scene in the film is the massacre of civilians on the Odessa Steps. In this scene, the Tsar's Cossacks in their white summer tunics march down a flight of steps in a rhythmic, machine-like fashion, slaughtering a crowd as they flee. After a boy falls, his mother picks up his body and yells at the soldiers to stop firing. They do, only to shoot her minutes later. Toward the end of the sequence, the soldiers shoot a mother who is pushing a baby in a baby carriage. As she falls to the ground, dying, she leans against the carriage, nudging it away; it rolls down the steps amidst the fleeing crowd. The Untouchables. The Untouchables is a 1987 film, directed by Brian De Palma, based on the 1959 ABC television series, which, in turn, was based on Eliot Ness's autobiographical account of his efforts to bring Al Capone to justice. It was adapted by David Mamet, and stars Kevin Costner as Ness, Sean Connery as Irish-American beat cop Jim Malone, and Robert De Niro as Capone. Connery received the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film. The film became a solid hit, grossing over $76 million domestically. (I`ll accept "The Naked Gun")
6. Four Answers:
a: German measles
b: Tonsillitis
c: Lockjaw
d: Leprosy
7. Royal JellyRoyal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of the larvae. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands in the heads of young workers and used (amongst other substances) to feed all of the larvae in the colony, including those destined to become workers. If a queen is needed, the hatchling will receive only royal jelly - and in large quantities - as its food source for the first four days of its growth, and this rapid, early feeding triggers the development of queen morphology, including the fully developed ovaries needed to lay eggs. Some commercial royal jelly suppliers disseminate misinformation such as "Only queen larvae and adult queens are fed royal jelly"; the fact remains that all larvae in a colony are fed royal jelly, and adult bees do not consume it at all.
8. Three Answers:
a: 1980 - In Moscow, USSRThe U.S. Olympic Committee's House of Delegates, facing withering pressure from the Carter White House, voted by more than 2 to 1 not to participate in the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. President Jimmy Carter ordered the boycott after Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan. Viewed through the prism of international history, you tend to forget that there were people hurt by this decision, hundreds of young athletes, torn between supporting their president in an international crisis even as they wondered how their lifetime dream had been shattered by an invasion on the other side of the world. Some U.S. athletes sued the USOC over the decision but lost. There was nothing more they could do. The Games went on without the Americans and athletes from 64 other countries that joined the U.S.-led boycott. b: 1984 - In Los Angeles, USA The Soviet-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California, United States followed the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. It caused 14 Eastern Bloc countries and allies including the Soviet Union, Cuba and East Germany (but not Romania) to boycott these Olympics. The USSR announced its intention not to participate on May 8, 1984, citing security concerns and stating, that "chauvinistic sentiments and an anti-Soviet hysteria being whipped up in the United States", but some saw it as revenge for the boycott of the Moscow Games. Among them subscribing in the revenge hypothesis was Peter Ueberroth, who was the chief organizer of the Games, in a press conference after the boycott was announced. The boycott influenced a large number of Olympic events that were normally dominated by the absent countries. Boycotting countries organized another major event in July-August 1984, called the Friendship Games. For differing reasons, Iran and Libya also boycotted. The boycott was announced on the same day that the Olympic Torch Relay through the United States began in New York City. c: 1976 - In Montreal, Canada The opening ceremony of the 21st Olympic Games in Montreal had been marred by the withdrawal of 25 African countries. They were all protesting at New Zealand's sporting links with South Africa. The International Olympic Committee's refusal to ban New Zealand, whose rugby team was currently touring South Africa, had resulted in the boycott. South Africa had been banned from the Olympics since 1964 for its refusal to condemn apartheid.
9. The highest town above sea level Climax is a mining area and U.S. Post Office located in Lake County, Colorado, United States. Climax is a ghost town at the Continental Divide at an elevation of 11,360 feet (3463 meters). It was the highest settlement in the United States it holds the record for having had the nation's highest post office and the highest railroad station (both now closed). The residential houses were transported to the West Park subdivision of Leadville, Colorado before 1965, leaving only the industrial buildings.
10. Once upon a time, before the few words were to be spoken, a piece of toasted bread was placed in the speakers chalice or cup and passed around the table. Each guest would then drink from the cup till it reached the speaker. He/She would then sup from the cup and eat the bread. "Go fetch me a quart of sack, put a toast in`t " Shakespeares Merry Widow.