German Quiz 3
The following quiz was created by Jochen Borger from Passau, Germany. Thanks again Jochen, great job
1. Mit Lykanthropie wird die Vorstellung eines Menschen bezeichnet, was zu sein?
What can a lycanthrope do?
2. Made in Germany !! Welche geniale Erfindung von ADIDAS gab den Deutschen Fu?ballern bei der WM 1954 erst den richtigen Halt?
Made in Germany. Which new invention did the German national football team have at the football world cup in 1954? No other team had it and some say it gave the Germans an unfair advantage
3. Unter welchem Namen war "Vickie Lynn Marshall" besser bekannt?
Which famous big boobs died in February last year?
4. Wie heisst die ber?hmte monegassische F?rstenfamilie ?
Albert, Caroline and Stephanie of Monaco all are members of which family?
5. Welcher schwarze F?hrer der "Nation of Islam" wurde am 21. February 1965 in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom mit 16 Sch?ssen ermordet?
Who is the only person with a last name begining with the letter X to appear on a US postage stamp?
6. Wer komponierte die Oper 'Aida' ?
Who composed "La donna ? mobile" for "Rigoletto"?
7. Wessen Gitarre, liebevoll "Woodstock Strat" genannt, wurde zum bisher h?chsten Preis versteigert ?
Who's Fender Stratocaster was sold for the most money at a Sothebys auction?
8. Welche zwei Deutschen Fu?baller wurden zum Spieler des Jahres in England gew?hlt? eine Antwort is ok
Which two German footballers have won player of the year in England? one answer is ok
9. Wie heisst das Gift der Tollkirsche ?
Deadly nightshade is a well-known perennial herbaceous plant, with leaves and berries that are highly toxic and hallucinogenic. Better known as ?. ?
10. Er war Schlagzeuger bei Nirvana und Queens of the Stone Age und hat heute seine eigene Band !
He's the main driver and singer of the Foo Fighters!
1. Ein Wolf (?oder ein anderes Tier) / Change into an animal, usually a wolf.
2. Austauschbare Stollen an den Schuhen?? / Removable studs on Adidas boots
3. Anna Nicole Smith
4. Grimaldi / The Grimaldi family
5. Malcolm X
6. Giuseppe Verdi
7. Die von Jimi Hendrix / Jimi Hendrix
8. Bert Trautmann und J?rgen Klinsmann
9. Belladonna
10. Dave Grohl