Art and Literature Quiz 3

Posted in art and literature quizzes

1. Which Author's First Names Were Herbert George?

2. How Many Strings Are There On An Electric Bass Guitar?

3. What Is Meant By the Spanish phrase "Que Sera Sera"?

4. The Composer Johann Strauss Was A Virtuoso On Which Musical Instrument?

5. Published in 1973, What Was Stephen King's First Novel?

6. Which 15th Century Artist Studied Human Anatomy to Improve His Life-Drawing Ability?

7. Poets Sometimes Use the Name Cathay to Refer to Which Country of the Far East?

8. In Which Russian City Would You Find the Hermitage Museum & Art Gallery?

9. What is the title of the holy book of the Sikhs?

10. Who first translated the Bible into English?

11. Who Wrote About Tom Kitten and Squirrel Nutkin?

12. Which Brass Instrument Has A Slide?

13. From Which Scandinavian Country Did Composer Edward Grieg Come?

14. Gilbert Keith Were the First Names of Which Author?

15. In Which Shakespeare Play Do 3 Witches Appear?

16. Who Were Arrietty, Pod and Homily?

17. What Line Follows Rule Britannia, Britannia Rules the Waves?

18. Name the Frame in the Form of An Upright Tripod That Supports An Artist?s Canvas?

19. Who wrote the opera Carmen?

20. Who wrote the mill on the floss?

21. Which US painter who died in 1956 was famous for his 'action paintings'?

22. Who wrote 'The Man in the Iron Mask'?

23. Who designed the fountains in Trafalgar Square?

24. Who wrote the novel 'She'?

25. In which art gallery would you see Constable's 'The Haywain'?

26. Which prize-winning British artist is famous for her unmade bed?

27. What name is given to the famous statue located at the entrance to Copenhagen harbour?

28. Little Nell, Richard Swiveller and Mr Quilp are all characters from which Dickens' novel?

29. Who painted the famous work, 'The Birth of Venus'?

30. To what popular sport did the 17th cent. English writer Issak Walton dedicate his most memorable book?


1. H G Wells

2. 4

3. What Ever Will Be, Will Be

4. Violin

5. Carrie

6. Leonardo Da Vinci

7. China

8. St. Petersburg

9. Granth

10. John Wycliffe

11. Beatrix Potter

12. Trombone

13. Norway

14. G K Chesterton

15. Macbeth

16. The Borrowers

17. Britons Never, Never, Never Shall Be Slaves

18. Easel

19. Bizet

20. George Elliott

21. Jackson Pollock

22. Alexandre Dumas

23. Sir Edwin Lutyens

24. H Rider Haggard

25. The National Gallery

26. Tracy Emin

27. The Little Mermaid

28. The Old Curiosity Shop

29. Sandro Botticelli

30. Angling (The Compleat Angler 1653)


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