12 Days of Christmas Quiz 1

Posted in christmas quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Tony Anderson from the UK. Thanks again Tony, great stuff!

Christmas Quiz Questions1. In the song `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, how what did my true love give to me on the 12th day?

2. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, what does the partridge in the pear tree represent? God, Jesus or Love?

3. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, what were there two of?

4. What type of bird features on the seventh day of Christmas in the song `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`?

5. According to the song `The Twelve Days of Christmas`, how many gifts in total did my true love give to me?

6. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, what were there eight of?

7. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, which gifts represent the six days of creation?

8. In the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, what are the 10 Lords-a-leaping said to symbolise?

9. In the song `the twelve days of christmas`, what did my true love send to me on the 9th day?

10. In `The Twelve Days Of Christmas`, what do the French Hens represent?


1. Drummers Drumming

2. Jesus

3. Turtle Doves

4. Swan

5. 364

6. Maids-a-milking

7. Geese-a-laying

8. The Ten Commandments

9. 9 ladies dancing

10. Faith, Hope and Charity


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