Pauls Quiz 77
1. With what might you be sharing your house if you found a trace of ectoplasma?
2. Most of the survivors of the battle of Trafalgar lost what during or after the battle?
3. What is a POLYGLOT?
4. Which raincloud's name means 'lock of hair'?
5. Between 1945 and 1965, where were the majority (300,000 tons) of chemical weapons in Europe disposed?
6. What is the most northerly city in the world? Clue ten letters, second letter is an 'A'
7. A beautiful female ghost. Often a young woman who drowned herself due to lovesickness. Six letters
8. What can one not do if you suffer from Aphasia?
9. The following people assasinated which men?
a: Sirhan Sirhan
b: Yigal Amir
c: Gavrilo Princip
d: Charlotte de Corday
10. Complete the following lines with a song title:
a: Long distance information give me ________
b: Neon light that split the night and touched ________
c: My baby drove up in a brand new ________
1. A Ghost.Ectoplasm (parapsychology), a physical substance that supposedly manifests as a result of "spiritual energy" or "psychic phenomenon". ectoplasm (From the Greek ektos, ?outside,? + plasma, ?something formed or molded?) is a term coined by Charles Richet to denote a substance or spiritual energy "exteriorized" by physical mediums.
2. Their hearing (from the noise of cannons) Interesting fact: More people died after the battle of Trafalgar due to the bad weather than during the whole battle itself.
3. Someone who can speak many languages A polyglot is someone with a high degree of proficiency in several languages. (A bilingual person can speak two languages fluently, a trilingual three. One who can speak six or more languages fluently is known as a hyperpolyglot.) To start with there is no clear definition of what it means to "speak a language". A tourist who can handle a simple conversation with a waiter may be completely lost when it comes to discussing current affairs or even using the past tense. A diplomat or businessman who can handle complicated negotiations in a foreign language may not be able to write a simple letter correctly. A four-year-old French child usually must be said to "speak French fluently", but it is unlikely that he can handle the subjunctive as well as even a mediocre foreign student of the language does.
Some 'well-known' Polyglots:
5. The Baltic Sea
6. Hammerfest, NorwayHammerfest is a city and municipality in the county of Finnmark, Norway. The municipality encompasses parts of three islands; Kvalya, Srya and Seiland. Located at 70.664° N 23.69° E, Hammerfest claims to be the northernmost city in the world, although the title is disputed by Honningsvåg, Norway, Barrow, Alaska and Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The validity of the claim depends upon one's definition of a city; Hammerfest is the world's northernmost settlement of more than 6,000 inhabitants. It is also the oldest town in North Norway. In spite of the extreme northern location, there is no permafrost, as the mean annual temperature is approximately 2°C, about the same as Anchorage which is located at a latitude of 61° North.
7. Undine (also Ondine) Ondine was a water nymph in German mythology. She was very beautiful and (like all nymphs) immortal. The only threat to a nymph's eternal happiness is if she falls in love with a mortal and bears his child - she will lose her gift of everlasting life. Ondine fell in love with a dashing knight - Sir Lawrence - and they were married. When they exchanged vows, Sir Lawrence said, "My every waking breath shall be my pledge of love and faithfulness to you." A year after their marriage Ondine gave birth to Lawrence?s son. From that moment on she began to age. As Ondine?s physical attractiveness diminished, Lawrence lost interest in his wife. One afternoon Ondine was walking near the stables when she heard the snoring of her husband. When she entered the stable, she saw Sir Lawrence lying in the arms of another woman. Ondine kicked her husband awake, pointed her finger at him, and uttered her curse: "You swore faithfulness to me with every waking breath, and I accepted your oath. So be it. As long as you are awake, you shall have your breath, but should you ever fall asleep, then that breath will be taken from you and you will die!". Ondine's curse is now a medical term applied to a rare syndrome where the involuntary control of breathing is lost.
8. Speak / Understand language Aphasia (or aphemia) is a loss of the ability to produce and/or comprehend language, due to injury to brain areas specialized for these functions. It is not a result of deafness or muscle paralysis, and it does not necessarily affect intelligence. Aphasia can be distinguished from dysphasia, the prefix a- indicating a complete loss, which is a condition usually only seen in adult brain damage, when it is too late in life for the nervous system to make gross adjustments. In contrast, the prefix dys- indicates a partial loss, which is more common when the dysfunction occurs in children.
9. Four Answers:
a: Robert F Kennedy
b: Itzhak Rabin
c: Franz Ferdinand
d: Jean Paul Marat
10. Three Answers:
a: Memphis Tennesse (Chuck Berry)
b: The sound of silence (Simon and Garfunkel)
c: Cadillac (The Clash)