Oceans and Islands Quiz 1

Posted in geography quizzes

1. To which country does the island of Madeira belong?

2. In which ocean is the area known as Polynesia?

3. Captain Cook discovered which island in the pacific in 1777?

4. Name the island in Paris on which Notre Dame stands?

5. Which island did Turkish troops invade in 1974?

6. Into which ocean does the amazon flow?

7. The island of Zealand is part of which country?

8. Which island has the 2 official languages Sinhalese and Tamil?

9. Which island in the east pacific is renowned for its stone heads?

10. On which Caribbean Island is noel coward buried?


1. Portugal

2. Pacific

3. Christmas Island

4. Ille de la Cite

5. Cyprus

6. Atlantic

7. Denmark

8. Sri Lanka

9. Easter Island

10. Jamaica


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