War and Battles Quiz 5

Posted in history quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by John Smyth from the UK. Many thanks John, much appreciated and a great quiz round.

Put these wars in chronological order starting with the oldest.

1. 100 years War

2. American Civil War

3. American War of Independence

4. Boer War

5. Crimean

6. English Civil War

7. First World War

8. Korean War

9. Second World War

10. War of the Roses  


1. 100 years War ? 1337 ? 1453

2. War of the Roses - 1455 ? 1487

3. English Civil War - 1642 ? 1651

4. American War of Independence - 1775 ? 1783

5. Crimean - 1853 ? 1856

6. American Civil War ? 1861 ? 1865

7. Boer War ? 1899 ? 1902

8. First World War ? 1914 ? 1918

9. Second World War ? 1939 ? 1945

10. Korean War ? 1950 ? 1953


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