1960s Quiz 2

Posted in history quizzes

1. Who became secretary general of the UN in 1961?

2. What year was the Arab Israeli six-day war?

3. Which English dramatist was murdered by his lover Kenneth Halliwell in 1967?

4. What was the name of the dog that found the missing football world cup in 1966?

5. Which literature prize for fiction was first awarded in 1969?

6. Which South African massacre took place on 21st march 1960?

7. In which city was Rudolph Nureyev dancing at the time of his defection to the west in 1961?

8. What took place on 8th august 1963 at Cheddington, Buckinghamshire?

9. Which coin was introduced in Britain in October 1969?

10. Who did john Kennedy defeat in the 1960 us presidential election  

11. Which Cheshire industrial town on the Manchester ship canal was designated a new town in 1964?

12. Which Argentinean revolutionary was killed in Bolivia in 1967?

13. Who was the labour chancellor of the exchequer between 64 - 67?

14. In 1964, which was the 1st pirate radio station to start broadcasting in Britain?

15. What year was prince Andrew born?

16. Who was the black Muslim leader murdered in February 1965?

17. Which controversial bill, sponsored by MP David Steele, was introduced in 1968?

18. Which British secretary of state for war resigned in 1963?

19. Which gamblers institution was legalised in may 1961?

20. "I can't let Maggie go" was a song used to advertise which consumer item?


1. U Thant

2. 1967

3. Joe Orton

4. Pickles

5. The Booker Prize

6. Sharpsville

7. Paris

8. Great Train Robbery

9. 50p

10. Richard Nixon  

11. Runcorn

12. Che Guevara

13. Jim Callaghan

14. Radio Caroline

15. 1960

16. Malcolm X

17. Abortion

18. Profumo

19. Betting Shops

20. Nimble Bread


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