One Liners Quiz 1

Posted in music quizzes

The following quiz round was submitted by Ted Smith from the UK. Many thanks Ted, a great idea 

We supply you with one line from a well-known song. We supply you with the year also. Teams must guess both the artist plus the song title for the one-liner given.  In the event of a cover version being made in that chosen year and the original being recorded earlier, the artist of the cover version is the answer required.

Year: 1979

1. If you want my body
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
Rod Stewart

2. At First I was afraid I was petrified
I Will Survive
Gloria Gaynor

3. They have everything for you men to enjoy
Village People

4. It's much harder to come by I'm waiting in line
Too Much Heaven
The Bee Gees

5. Everybody wants to take your baby home
When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman
Dr Hook

6. Here I lie in a lost and lonely part of town
The Bee Gees

7. Once I had a love and it was a gas
Heart Of Glass

8. You don't sing me love songs
You Don't Bring Me Flowers
Neil Diamond w/ Barbra Streisand

9. Where can you find pleasure / Search the world for treasure
In The Navy
Village People

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